203. Disassembly
201. General
The pressure compensator control is similar
ring packing (2) from the control cap (21).
in operation to a pressure relief valve. As the
pressure is increased in the system, the flow
b. Pull the control sleeve (5) with attached
from the compensator valve is applied directly
parts out of the control cap. Remove the retain-
against a piston, pressing this piston against
ing ring (3) and O-ring packing (4) from the
the hanger mechanism, reducing the angle of
control sleeve.
the cam plate. The greater the pressure, the
c. Remove the control piston (6), spring (7),
greater the distance the hanger is depressed,
and spring retainer (8) from the control cap.
reducing the volume while maintaining the
pressure. The volume will continue to reduce
d. Remove the lockwasher (9) and preformed
until the bottom stop is encountered. This mini-
packing (10) from the adjustment housing
mum stop is used only when it is not desirable
to go to zero volume delivery.
e. Remove the adjustment housing and pre-
formed packing (16) from the control cap, Re-
202. Removal
move the seal piston (11), spring (12), ball sup-
port (13), and ball (14) from the adjustment
b. Remove the compensator and volume hand
controls (par. 154).
f. Remove the control sleeve (19) with at-
tached parts from the control cap (21), Remove
the control piston (17) from inside the sleeve
two tube fittings (2) and remove the fittings
and remove the retaining ring (18) and pre-
from the control cap (9) and the pressure flange
formed packing (20) from the control sleeve.
g. Remove the two screws (22) that secure
d. Remove the four screws (6) that secure
the control cap (21) to the control housing (26)
the control cap to the hanger housing assembly
and remove the control cap, O-ring packing
(13) and remove the control cap and gasket
(23), and O-ring gasket (24). Remove the pis-
ton (25) from the control housing.
e. Remove the 20 screws (4) that secure the
h. Remove the 2 dowel pins (35 and 37) and
end cap (3) and gasket (5) to the hanger hous-
the 2 bearings (36 and 38) from the clevis (39).
ing assembly (13) and remove the end cap and
i. Remove the nut (27) from the stop body
f. Remove four screws (7) that secure the
(34). Pull the tongue (29) out of the stop body
stop body assembly (10) and gasket (12) to
and remove the O-ring packing (28) from the
the hanger housing and remove the stop body
and gasket.
j. Unscrew the stop (32) from the stop body
g. Remove the four screws (8) that secure
(34). Remove the spring (33). Remove the roll
pin (30) and piston (31) from the stop.
the clevis (11) in place and remove the clevis.
AGO 5742A
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