![]() engine and remove the pump mount with at-
156. Reassembly
tached pump from the engine.
a. Install the pushrod and the screw in-the
compensator control tube. Install the hex nut
154. Disassembly
on the control tube.
a. Remove the two setscrews that secure the
b. Apply a thin film of grease to the 15 balls
coupling half (23, fig. 18) to the shaft of the
and the bullet and install the balls and bullet in
pump and remove the coupling halt' and wood-
the control tube.
ruff key from the shaft.
c. Install the compensator control tube in
b. Remove the four bolts and flat washers
the pump and tighten the hex nut to secure.
that secure the pump mount to the pump and
d. Install the pushrod and the volue control
remove the mount.
screw in the post and install the flat washer,
c. Remove the post of the fluid volume con-
packing retainer, and preformed packing on
trol with attached parts from the pump.
the pushrod.
d. Remove the preformed packing, packing
e. Install the post with attached parts in the
retainer, and flat washer from the pushrod and
remove the screw and pushrod from the post.
f. Position the pump mount on the pump and
e. Loosen the hex nut and remove the com-
secure with four flat washers and bolts.
pensator control tube with attached parts from
g. Install the woodruff key in the shaft of the
the pump.
pump and slide the coupling half (23, fig. 18)
f. Remove the bullet and 15 balls from the
on the shaft.
control tube.
g. Remove the hex nut, screw, and pushrod
157. Installation
from the control tube.
a. Position the pump mount with attached
pump on the engine and secure in place with
155. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
the four lockwashers (26, fig. 18) and bolts
a. Wipe the external surfaces clean with a
cloth dampened with an approved cleaning
b. Position the coupling half on the pump
shaft to allow clearance between the 2 halves
Caution: Observe precautions necessary to
and secure in place with the 2 setscrews. In-
prevent dirt from entering the various open-
stall the roller chain (21) on the coupling.
ings in the pump while cleaning externally.
c. Connect the pressure selector valve-to-
b. Clean all disassembled parts with an ap-
pump tubing (28, fig. 12) to the flared tube
proved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
elbow (27) and the pump (1).
c. Inspect the compensator control tube,
d. Install the check valve in the discharge
pushrod, balls, and bullet for nicks, burs, and
part of the pump (1) and connect the pump-to-
distortion. Inspect for free movement of the
high pressure filter hose assembly (8) to the
bullet and balls in the control tube. Remove
check valve and the flared tube tee (10).
nicks and burs from the pushrod and bullet.
e. Install the pump case relief valve in the
Replace any part damaged beyond repair.
case of the pump and connect the pump-to-
d. Inspect the handles, locknuts, and screws
manifold tubing (5) to the relief valve and
for cracks, breaks, and damaged threads. Re-
the manifold.
place all defective parts.
f. Connect the pump-to-low pressure filter
e. Inspect the coupling halves and the roller
hose assembly (4) to the filter and manifold
chain for cracks, breaks, and excessive wear.
assembly (47) and to the pump.
Replace a defective coupling or chain.
g. Fill the pump case with hydraulic fluid
f. Inspect all attaching parts for distortion
and install the plug in the case of the pump.
and damaged threads. Replace any defective
AGO 5742A
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