![]() H O U S I N G A N D R U N N I N G GEAR
g. Remove the 6 hex nuts, lockwashers, and
158. General
bolts that secure the 3 hinge retainer assemblies
The steel housing assembly consists of a
(57 and 58) to the housing assembly and re-
welded steel frame, a four door roof assembly,
move the 3 retainers and 2 hinges (59 and 60).
and front and rear panel assemblies. The four
h. Remove the hex nut (14) and clamp arm
roof doors are mounted to a hinge positioned
(15) from the clamp stud (20) and remove the
at the top center, and running the length of
spring (16), flat washer (17) and the stud with
the housing roof. These doors permit overhead
attached knob (18) from the door assembly
access to the engine, hydraulic reservoir com-
(23). Loosen the setscrew (19) and remove
ponents, and control panel. The two front side
the knob from the stud. Remove the seven re-
doors hinged at the side, unlock and open out to
maining knobs in a similar manner.
permit access to both sides of the engine,
i. Remove the four remaining door assem-
battery, fuel tank, and other engine accessories.
blies in a similar manner as described in c
The other side door, also hinged at the side,
through e above.
permits access to the back of the control panel
j. Remove the headless straight pin (63)
and the entire hydraulic system.
that retains the spring (64) and hose support
hook (65) in the plate assembly (66). Remove
the four bolts (61) and lockwashers (62) that
secure the plate assembly to the housing and
remove the plate assembly. Disassemble the
lockwashers (33), and screws (34) that secure
other hanger assembly in a similar manner.
the gasket retaining ring (35) and gasket (36)
k. Remove the four hex nuts, lockwashers,
to the rear top door assembly (44) and remove
flat washers (68) and screws (69) that secure
the ring and gasket.
the bow handle (67) to the housing assembly
and remove the handle. Remove the remaining
c. Remove the screw (40) and lockwasher
three bow handles in a similar manner.
(41) that secure the rubber bumper (42) to
the spacer (43) and remove the bumper.
160. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
d. Remove the hex nut, spacer, two lock-
a. Clean all metal parts with an approved
washers (39) and screws (38) that secure the
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly. Remove
door support (37) to the door. Remove the hex
rust and corrosion from the housing and doors
nut and bolt that secure the door support to the
with a wise brush.
housing assembly (72) and remove the support.
b. Inspect all sheet metal parts for dents,
e. Remove the seven hex nuts (45), lock-
cracks, and tears. Straighten all minor dents
washers (46), and bolts (47) that secure the
and repair cracks by welding. Retouch or re-
door to the butt hinge (59) and remove the
paint exposed metal surfaces. Replace any sheet
door and neoprene strip (48).
metal part damaged beyond repair.
c. Inspect the hinges for seized hinge pins
f. Remove the remaining top door assemblies
and for bent or distorted condition. Replace a
(30 and 50) in a similar manner as described in
defective hinge.
a through e above.
AGO 5742A
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