![]() aged threads. Replace all defective
(8) Place a new preformed packing (7)
and the top cover (16) on the filter
housing (31) and secure with six bolts
(3) Inspect the tube fittings and locknuts
for distortion and damaged threads.
Replace a damaged fitting or locknut.
(9) Install a new preformed packing (5)
and the flared tube union (4) in the
(4) Inspect all attaching hardware for
top cover.
distortion and damaged threads. Re-
place defective hardware,
(10) Install the locknut (1) and a new pre-
formed packing (3) on the flared tube
e. Reassembly.
elbow (2). Install the elbow in the
(1) Install the locknut (17, fig. 13) and a
top cover and tighten the locknut to
new preformed packing (19) on the
flared tube elbow (18). Install the
e l b o w in the manifold (20) and
f. Installation.
tighten the locknut to secure.
(1) Position the manifold (20, fig. 13)
(2) Install a new preformed packing (24)
with attached parts on the frame of
a n d the thermoswitch (23) in the
the test stand and secure with six
lockwashers (22) and bolts (21).
(3) Position a new preformed packing
(2) install the sensing element of the fluid
(25) and filter housing (31) on the
temperature gage (4, fig. 9) in the
manifold and secure with the four
end of the manifold.
lockwashers (22) and bolts (21).
(3) Connect the electrical leads to the
(4) Place a new preformed packing (30)
and the bottom cover (26) on the
(4) Connect the low pressure filter-to-
filter housing and secure with six
bleed valve tubing (6, fig. 12), reser-
bolts (27) .
voir shutoff valve-to-manifold tubing
(26), pump-to-manifold tubing (5),
(5) Install the two spacers (15) in the top
high pressure relief valve-to-mani-
cover (16).
fold tubing (12), and the suction tub-
(6) Position the plate assembly (12) on
ing (14).
the installed spacers and secure with
(5) Install the plug (28, fig. 13) and a
the two lockwashers (14) and bolts
new preformed packing (29) in the
bottom cover (26).
(7) Mount two new gaskets (10), a new
(6) Open the reservoir shutoff valve (12,
filter element (11), and the filter ele-
fig. 9).
ment cover (9) on the plate assembly
(12) and secure with the wing nut
(7) Bleed air from the hydraulic system
(par. 70).
instrument and the component from which it
144. General
The various instruments necessary for opera-
tion of the hydraulic system of the test stand
are located on the control panel. Instruments
must be replaced when they become inoperative
a. Testing. Inspect the reservoir level indi-
or show signs of incorrect readings during nor-
cator accuracy by draining the fluid from the
mal operation. Damage may be caused by
reservoir and adding a measured, predeter-
overloading, breakage, or wear. Before re-
mined amount of fluid to the reservoir and ob-
placing any instrument, inspect all interconnec-
serve the indicator reading. Replace a defective
tions of tubing or electrical leads between the
reservoir level indicator as outlined below.
AGO 5742A
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