![]() c. Disassembly.
element. The low pressure filter is attached to
the manifold which is mounted on the frame at
(1) Loosen the locknut (1, fig. 13) and
the inside back corner of the test stand.
remove the flared tube elbow (2) from
the top cover (16). Remove the lock-
nut and preformed packing (3) from
a. Servicing. Service the high pressure filter
the elbow.
as outlined in paragraph 71.
(2) Remove the flared tube union (4) and
b. High Pressure Filter Replacement.
preformed packing (5) from the top
(1) Disconnect the high pressure filter-to-
relief valve tubing (11, fig. 12), pump-
(3) Remove the six bolts (6) that secure
to-high pressure filter hose assembly
the top cover and the preformed pack-
(8), and the high pressure filter-to-
ing (7) to the filter housing (31) and
outlet selector valve tubing (13).
remove the top cover with attached
(2) Remove the flared tube tee (10) from
parts from the housing.
the high pressure filter (9).
(4) Remove the wing nut (8) that secures
(3) Install the flared tube tee in a new high
the filter element cover (9), two gas-
pressure filter (9).
kets (10) and the filter element (11)
to the plate assembly, (12) and remove
(4) Connect the high pressure filter-to-
the cover, gaskets, and element.
outlet selector valve tubing (13),
pump-to-high pressure filter hose as-
(5) Remove the 2 bolts (13) and lock-
sembly (8), and the high pressure
washers (14) that secure the plate as-
filter-to-relief valve tubing (11).
sembly to the 2 spacers (15) and re-
move the plate assembly.
(6) Remove the two spacers from the top
a. Servicing. Service the low pressure filter
as outlined in paragraph 71.
(7) Remove the six bolts (27) that secure
the bottom cover (26) to the filter
b. Removal.
housing and remove the bottom cover
(1) Close the reservoir shutoff valve (12,
and preformed packing (30).
fig. 9).
(8) Remove the four bolts (21) and lock-
washers (22) that secure the filter
the bottom cover (26) and drain the
housing and preformed packing (25)
hydraulic fluid from the filter housing
to the manifold (20) and remove the
(31) and manifold (20).
filter housing and preformed packing.
(3) Disconnect the suction tubing (14, fig.
(9) Remove the thermoswitch (23) and
12), high pressure relief valve-to-
p r e f o r m e d packing (24) from the
manifold tubing (12), pump-to-mani-
fold tubing (5), reservoir shutoff
(10) Loosen the tube fitting locknut (17)
valve-to-manifold tubing (26), and
and remove the flared tube elbow (18)
the low pressure filter-to-bleed valve
and the preformed packing (19) from
tubing (6).
the manifold. Remove the locknut
(4) Disconnect the electrical leads from
from the elbow.
the thermoswitch (23, fig. 13).
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
(5) Remove the sensing element of the
fluid temperature gage (4, fig. 9) from
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
the manifold (20, fig. 13).
cleaning solvent and dry with a lint-
free cloth.
(6) Remove the six bolts (21) and lock-
(2) Inspect the filter housing and mani-
washers (22) that secure the manifold
housing to the frame of the test stand
fold, top and bottom covers, filter ele-
ment cover, and plate assembly for
and remove the manifold with at-
tached low pressure filter.
cracks, breaks, distortion and dam-
AGO 5742A
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