![]() valve-to-reservoir tubing (21), and
(4) Inspect the strainer for torn and
the relief valve-to-reservoir tubing
clogged condition. Replace a defective
(22) to the flared tube tee (16, fig. 30)
and the elbow.
(5) Inspect all other parts for distortion
(3) Install the drain assembly (15) in the
and damage. Replace all defective or
damaged parts.
(4) Install the housing assembly (par.
d. Reassemble.
(1) Position the sending unit (12, fig. 30)
(5) Fill the reservoir with hydraulic fluid
on the cover assembly (11) and secure
(par. 9).
with the four lockwashers (14) and
screws (13).
(2) Position a new gasket and the cover
a. Removal.
assembly (11) with attached parts on
(1) Remove the control panel assembly
t h e reservoir and secure with the
eight flat washers, lockwashers, and
(2) Remove the engine controls (par. 138).
hex nuts.
(3) Remove the reservoir (par. 139).
(3) Place a new filter element (9) in the
(4) Remove eight hex nuts, lockwashers,
cover assembly (8) and secure with
flat washers, and bolts that secure the
the two lockwashers (7) and hex nuts
reservoir and control panel support
(18) to the frame and remove the
(4) Install the rubber hose (10) on the
filter element and the tubing of the
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
cover assembly (5).
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
(5) Position a new gasket and the cover
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
assembly (5) on the reservoir and
secure with eight flat washers, lock-
(2) Inspect the support for cracks, breaks,
distortion, and damaged threads. Re-
washers, and hex nuts.
pair minor cracks and breaks by weld-
(6) Install the strainer (4) and tank filler
ing. Replace a support damaged be-
neck (3) in the cover assembly (1).
yond repair.
Install the reservoir fill cap (2) on the
(3) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
filler neck.
tortion and damaged threads. Replace
(7) Position a new gasket and the cover
any defective hardware.
assembly (1) on the reservoir and se-
cure with eight flat washers, lock-
c. Installation.
washers, and hex nuts.
(1) Position the reservoir and control
panel support (18, fig. 30) on the
e. Installation.
frame and secure with eight bolts, flat
(1) Mount the reservoir (17, fig. 30) on
washers, lockwashers, and hex nuts.
on the reservoir and control panel sup-
(2) Install the reservoir (par. 139).
port (18) and secure in place with the
two straps.
(3) Install the engine controls (par. 138).
(2) Connect the reservoir-to-shutoff valve
(4) Install the control panel assembly
tubing (46, fig. 12), outlet selector
ble hydraulic fluid to the aircraft under test.
141. General
The high pressure filter is installed in the pump
The high pressure and low pressure filters
discharge line located on the back side of the
are incorporated in the test stand hydraulic
system to assure delivery of the cleanest possi-
control panel, This filter has a throw away type
AGO 5742A
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