![]() (7) Remove the expansion plug (32, fig.
Tighten the bolts to a torque of 25 to
24) if defective.
30 ft-lbs.
Clamp a dial indicator on the crank-
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
case with its plunger touching the end
(1) Clean all parts with an approved clean-
of the crankshaft. Pry the crankshaft
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
back and forth while noting the indi-
(2) Inspect the bearing surfaces and cam
cator reading. Add or delete shims
lobes of the camshaft for nicks, burs,
(27 and 28) as necessary to obtain end
and scores. Remove minor abrasions
play between 0.002 and 0.004 inch.
with fine emery cloth. Replace a de-
Install the oil slinger (29) on the
fective camshaft.
(3) Inspect the tappet assemblies for
Install the connecting rods and pis-
nicks, burs, distortion, and damaged
tons (par. 195).
threads. Replace a defective tappet as-
Install the oil pump (par. 193).
(4) Inspect the expansion plug in the
197. Camshaft
crankcase for signs of oil leaks. Re-
a. Removal.
move and replace if defective.
(1) Remove the valves (par. 186).
c. Installation.
(2) Remove the crankshaft (par. 196).
(1) Install the expansion plug (32, fig. 24)
(3) Remove the 8 tappet assemblies (5,
in the crankcase.
(2) Position the 2 splash plates in the
(13). Tag the tappets to assure instal-
crankcase and secure with the 6 lock-
lation in their respective bores.
washers and 6 bolts.
(4) Remove the crankshaft gear (par.
(3) Install the camshaft (25, fig. 27) in
the crankcase.
(5) Remove the camshaft (25, fig. 27)
(4) Install the camshaft gear (par. 190).
from the crankcase.
(5) Insert the 8 tappet assemblies (5, fig.
(6) Remove the 6 bolts and lockwashers
26) in the 2 cylinder blocks (13).
that secure the 2 splash plates in
(6) Install the crankshaft (par. 196).
place and remove the splash plates
from inside the crankcase.
(7) Install the valves (par. 186).
(3) Remove the six hex nuts and lock-
198. General
washers that secure the cylinder block
The cylinder blocks are cast in pairs and are
to the crankcase and remove the block
provided with cooling fins. The valve stem guide
and gasket (5, fig. 24) from the crank-
bores are machined in the blocks. The cylinder
blocks are secured to the crankcase with studs
(4) Remove the six studs (34) from the
and hex nuts. The crankcase is a one-piece cast-
crankcase, if defective.
ing with an integral cast oil vane on the left-side
(5) Remove the other cylinder block in the
into which are installed the oil nozzles.
same manner.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
a. Removal.
(1) Use a wire brush, compressed air, and
an approved cleaning solvent to clean
(1) Remove the valves (par. 186).
the fins of the cylinder blocks.
(2) Remove the connecting rods and pis-
(2) Inspect the cylinder bores of the cylin-
tons (par. 195).
AGO 5742A
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