![]() (9) Remove the six bolts and lockwashers
Note. When installing the pistons in the
cylinders, install those in numbers 1 and 3
(23) that secure the bearing retainer
cylinders so the slits in the piston skirts face
plate to the crankcase and remove the
toward the center of the engine. The slits in
retainer plate.
pistons 2 and 4 face away from the center
(10) Remove the bearing cup (32, fig. 36)
of the engine.
from the crankcase if defective.
(3) Apply a thin film of oil to the crank-
shaft journal to which the rod is to be
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
connected. Position the rod and cap
(1) Clean all parts with an approved clean-
with installed sleeve bearing (10) on
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
the journal of the crankshaft (34) and
(2) Inspect the connecting rod journals of
install the 2 bolts (9), 2 hex nuts (8),
the crankshaft for scoring. Hone a
and 2 stamped nuts (7). Tighten the
crankshaft to remove scores or replace
hex nuts to a torque of 14 to 18 ft-lb.
a defective crankshaft.
Note. Be sure the oil hole in the cap of
(3) Measure the journals. Replace the
the connecting rod faces the spray nozzle in
crankshaft if the journals measure less
the oil header of the crankcase.
than 2.125 inches.
(4) Install the four remaining pistons and
(4) Inspect the bearing plate for cracks
connecting rods in the same manner.
and breaks. Replace if defective.
(6) Measure the side clearance between
(5) Inspect the oil seal for damage or
the sleeve bearing (10) and the crank-
signs of wear. Replace a defective oil
shaft with a feeler gage. It should
measure at least 0.004 inch and not
more than 0.016 inch.
(6) Inspect the bearing cones and cups for
rough rolling elements and races. Re-
(6) Install the cylinder heads (par. 124).
place if defective.
(7) Install the oil pump (par. 193).
(7) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
196. Crankshaft
tortion and damaged threads and re-
place if defective.
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the oil pump (par. 193).
c. Installation.
(1) Install the bearing cup (32, fig. 36) in
(2) Remove the connecting rods and pis-
the crankcase.
tons (par. 195).
(2) Position the bearing retainer plate on
(3) Remove the oil slinger (29, fig. 36)
the crankcase and secure with the 6
from the front end of the crankshaft
lockwashers and 6 bolts.
(3) Press the two bearing cones (33, fig.
(4) Remove the six bolts (22) and lock-
36) onto the crankshaft (34).
washers (23) that secure the bearing
plate (25) to the crankcase and re-
(4) Insert the woodruff key (31) in the
move the bearing plate with attached
crankshaft and press the crankshaft
oil seal (24) and bearing cup (32),
gear (30) onto the crankshaft.
gaskets (26) and shims (27 and 28).
(5) Carefully insert the crankshaft in the
(5) Remove the cup and oil seal from the
crankcase through the rear opening.
bearing plate if defective.
(6) Press the oil seal (24) and the bear-
(6) Carefully remove the crankshaft with
ing cup (32) into the bearing plate
attached parts through the rear open-
ing in the crankcase.
(7) With a thin film of grease, position
(7) Press the crankshaft gear (30) off the
one gasket (26) on the crankcase, the
crankshaft and remove the woodruff
other on the bearing plate. Position the
key (31) from the crankshaft.
shims (27 and 28) and the bearing
plate on the crankcase and secure with
(8) Press the two bearing cones (33) off
6 lockwashers (23) and 6 bolts (22).
the crankshaft.
AGO 5742A
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