![]() (3) Bleed air from the hydraulic system as
terminal adapters and terminals.
described in paragraph 70.
Apply a thin film of grease to the
terminals and adapters and connect
the cables to the battery.
e. Tires. Check the tire inflation. Correct
Inspect a used test stand, following the in-
tire pressure is 30 psi.
structions contained in paragraph 8. Observe
f. Hydraulic System.
carefully the component parts that might be
(1) Drain the preservative fluid from the
worn through use, such as connecting hose as-
semblies, tires, brakes, and drawbar assembly.
system by removing the drain plug
Correct all deficiencies or report them to field
from the bottom of the low pressure
filter (11, fig. 8).
(2) Install the drain plug. Remove the
reservoir fill cap (9) and fill the reser-
voir with 20 gallons of hydraulic fluid,
Service a used test stand as outlined in para-
Specification MIL-O5606.
graph 9. Pay particular attention to the air
Note. Do not overfill the hydraulic reser-
cleaner, oil filter, fuel strainer, battery, and
voir. The expansion space in the reservoir
tires. Report all deficiencies, found during serv-
i s necessary for satisfactory test stand
icing, to field maintenance for correction.
12. General
The fluid bypass valve (27, fig. 9) is located
This section describes, locates, illustrates and
directly below the filter pressure gage (6). It
furnishes the operator with sufficient informa-
provides a means of directing the fluid dis-
tion pertaining to the various controls and
charge from the hydraulic pump into the reser-
instruments provided for proper operation of
voir. This valve must be open, creating a zero
the aircraft hydraulic test stand.
pressure condition, while starting the engine,
connecting the test stand to the aircraft under
test, and while setting the outlet selector valve.
The brake lever assembly (8, fig. 1), mounted
on the f rent of the frame assembly (7), sets
17. Choke Control
the brake shoes in the rear wheels to secure the
The choke control (5, fig. 10), located on the
test stand in position for operation.
engine control panel, is a manually operated
control that closes the butterfly in the carbur-
etor, enriching the fuel mixture for starting a
The reservoir level indicator (2, fig. 9) is
cold engine.
located in the upper left-hand corner of the
test stand control panel. It indicates the liquid
level in the reservoir, reading from 0 to 27
The throttle control (4, fig. 10), located on the
engine control panel, left of the choke control
(5), is a push-pull, twist lock control used to
set the governor for the desired engine rpm.
The reservoir shutoff valve ( 12, fig. 9) lo-
cated in the lower right-hand corner of the test
stand control panel is a gate valve, provided to
The ignition switch (1, fig. 10) is a double
control the flow of hydraulic fluid from the
pole throw switch mounted in the upper left-
reservoir to the hydraulic system of the test
hand corner of the engine control panel. When
stand. This valve must be closed when the
reservoir of the hydraulic system under test is
placed in the OFF position, the ignition switch
to be utilized.
grounds the magneto and interrupts power to
AGO 5742A
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