![]() (2) Remove the old element and replace it
sembly (4) from the top cover of the
with a new element.
low pressure filter.
(3) Reassemble the high pressure filter
Remove the six bolts (6, fig. 13) that
and secure with a safety wire.
secure the top cover (16) to the filter
housing (31) and remove the cover
(4) Fill reservoir as prescribed in para-
with attached parts from the housing.
graph 9.
Remove the wing nut (8) that secures
72. Hose Assemblies
the filter element cover (9), gasket
a. Removal.
(10), and the filter element (11) in
(1) Remove the drain assembly from the
place and remove the cover, gasket,
bottom of the reservoir and drain the
and element.
hydraulic system.
Wash all metal parts with an approved
(2) Disconnect and remove the pressure
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
selector valve-to-gage hose assembly
Place a new filter element (11) on the
(44, fig. 12), fluid pressure gage-to-
plate assembly (12) and secure with
dampener hose assembly (37), pump-
the gasket (10), filter element cover
to-high presure filter hose assembly
(9), and the wing nut (8).
(8), and the pump-to-low pressure
Position the preformed packing (7)
filter hose assembly (4).
and the top cover (16) on the filter
(3) Remove the 3 hose assemblies attached
housing (31) and secure with the six
to the 3 coupling halves (7, 8, and 9,
bolts (6) .
Connect the pump-to-low pressure
stored in the compartment at the rear
filter hose assembly (4, fig. 12) and
of the test stand when not in use.
the low pressure filter-to-bleed valve
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
tubing. (6) to the installed top cover.
(1) Clean the hose assemblies in an ap-
Install the plug (28, fig. 13) in the
proved cleaning solvent and dry
bottom cover (26).
Open the reservoir shutoff valve (12,
(2) Inspect the hose assemblies for frayed
or worn hose. Inspect the fittings of
pressure filter (par. 70).
the hose assemblies and the drain as-
Fill reservoir as prescribed in para-
sembly for damaged threads. Replace
graph 9.
a defective hose assembly or drain as-
c. High Pressure Filter Element Replace-
ment. If the high pressure filter assembly (9,
c. Installation.
(1) Install the 3 hose assemblies on the 3
as follows:
coupling halves (7, 8, and 9, fig. 2) or
store them in the compartment at the
(1) Cut the safety wire and unscrew the
rear of the test stand.
element case from the filter head.
AGO 5742A
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