![]() the axle and secure with the four
tie rod and tie rod ends in a similar
lockwashers (68) and hex nuts (67).
(10) Connect the cable assembly (23) to
(8) Position the axle assembly (69) on the
the brake assembly.
arm assembly (77) and secure with
(11) Install the remaining axle assembly in
the four lockwashers (65) and bolts
a similar manner.
(12) Install the wheels (par. 163).
(9) Position the brake assembly (66) on
Reassembly and Installation.
165. General
(1) Position the 2 sleeve spacers (17, fig.
The handbrake assembly is mounted on the
15), 2 levers (16), and 2 rod end
rear axle and is mechanically operated, through
clevises (12) between the side plates
cables, by the brake lever assembly. Moving
of the brake lever assembly.
the lever to a horizontal position actuates the
expanding-type brake assemblies in the rear
(2) Insert the 3 headed straight pins
wheels, forcing the brake shoes out against the
and 18) in the alined holes of
brake drums, which are mounted to the rear
spacers, clevices, levers, and 5
wheel hubs.
washers (13 and 15) and install
3 cotter pins (10 and 14) in
headed straight pins.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(3) Install the brake lever assembly (par.
(1) Remove the brake lever assembly
(par. 76).
(2) Remove the 3 cotter pins (10 and 14,
a. Removal and Disassembly.
pins (11 and 18) and remove the
(1) Remove the brake assemblies (par.
headed straight pins and 5 flat wash-
ers (13 and 15) from the brake lever
(2) Disconnect the cable assemblies from
the brake lever assembly (par. 76).
(3) Remove the 2 rod end clevises (12),
2 levers (16), and 2 sleeve spacers
(3) Remove the 2 elastic grommets (24,
(17) from between the side plates of
the brake lever assembly.
blies (22 and 23) to the frame as-
sembly (87) and remove the cable
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
b. Cleaning, lnspection, and Repair.
(2) Inspect the spacers, levers, and clev-
(1) Clean all metal parts with an ap-
ises for cracks, breaks, and distortion.
proved cleaning solvent and dry thor-
Straighten minor bends and repair
cracks by welding. Replace any part
( 2 ) Blow all dust and dirt from the brake
damaged beyond repair.
assemblies with compressed air.
(3) Inspect the lever assembly for free
(3) Inspect the cable assemblies for free
movement between the side plates.
movement of the cables in their re-
Inspect the knurled knob at the outer
spective housings. Inspect the cable
end of the lever for free rotation. Re-
housings for visible signs of damage.
place a defective lever assembly.
Replace defective cable assemblies.
(4) Inspect all hardware for distortion
(4) Inspect the shoes of the brake as-
and damaged threads. Replace if de-
semblies for damage and excessive
AGO 5742A
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