![]() wear. Replace worn brake lining on
23, fig. 14) to the frame assembly
the shoes. Inspect the return springs
(87) with the 2 elastic grommets
for cracks, distortion and lack of ten-
sion. Replace a defective brake as-
(2) Connect the cables to the brake lever
assembly (par. 76).
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(3) Install the brake assemblies (par.
(1) Secure the 2 cable assemblies (22 and
163) .
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
168. General
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
The frame assembly is a welded steel fabri-
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
cation providing the mounting place for all
major components of the test stand as well as
(2) Inspect the arm and support assem-
the attachment point for the various parts of
blies for cracks, breaks, distortion,
the running gear,
a n d damaged threads. Straighten
bends and repair cracks and breaks
by welding. Replace an arm or sup-
port assembly damaged beyond repair.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Remove the axle assembly (par. 164).
(3) Inspect the pins and bearings for
nicks, burs, and excessive wear. Re-
(2) Remove the two bolts (28, fig. 14) and
move minor abrasions from the pins
lockwashers (29) that secure the stop
and bearings, Replace if defective or
bracket (27) to the support assembly
excessively worn.
(84) and remove the stop bracket re-
leasing the spring (53).
(4) Inspect the rubber bumper for oil
soaked condition or other visible signs
(3) Remove the 4 retaining rings (75)
of deterioration. Replace a defective
from the 2 headless grooved pins (76)
rubber bumper.
and remove the pins from the 2 sleeve
bearings (78) releasing the arm as-
(5) Inspect all attaching hardware for
s e m b l y (77) from the support as-
distortion and damaged threads. Re-
place any defective parts.
(4) Remove the two sleeve bearings from
c. Reassembly and Installation.
the arm assembly if defective.
(1) Position the support assembly (84, fig.
(5) Remove the hex nut (80 ), lockwasher
14) under the frame assembly (87)
(81), bolt (83), and flat washer (82)
and secure with the six bolts (74),
that secure the rubber bumper (79)
flat washers (73), lockwashers (72),
to the arm assembly and remove the
and hex nuts (71 ).
(2) Install the other support assembly in
(6) Remove the other arm assemblies in a
a similar manner.
similar manner.
(3) Place the rubber bumper (79) on the
(7) Remove the six hex nuts (71), lock-
arm assembly (77) and secure with
the bolt (83), flat washer (82), lock-
washers (72), flat washers (73) and
washer (81), and hex nut (80).
bolts (74) that secure the support
assembly to the frame assembly (87)
(4) Press the two sleeve bearings (78)
and remove the support assembly.
into the arm assembly (77).
(8) Remove the other support assembly in
(5) Position the arm assembly on the sup-
a similar manner.
port assembly and install the 2 head-
AGO 5742A
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