Section I. GENERAL
c. The direct reporting by the individual user
1. Scope
of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
a. These instructions are published for the
improving this manual is authorized and en-
information and guidance of operating and
couraged. DA Form 2028 will be used for re-
maintenance personnel to whom the aircraft
porting these improvements. This form will be
hydraulic test stand is assigned. They contain
completed in triplicate using pencil, pen, or
information on operation, lubrication, detailed
typewriter. The original and one copy will be
preventive maintenance services, and mainte-
forwarded direct to the Commanding General,
nance of the equipment, its accessories and aux-
U. S. Army Aviation Materiel Command, P. O.
iliaries; also packing, preservation, storing,
Box 209, Main Office, St. Louis, Me., 63166.
and shipping procedures.
b. Supply manuals, technical manuals, lubri-
cation orders, and other publications applicable
The Army equipment record system and pro-
to the hydraulic test stand are listed in appen-
cedures established in TM 38750 apply to this
dix I. Appendix II contains the Maintenance
equipment. The applicable forms as required
Allocation Chart. Appendix III contains the
repair parts lists.
by TM 38750 will be used.
b. Trailer and Running Gear Assembly. The
3. Description
frame assembly (7, fig. 1) is of a welded steel
a. Hydraulic Test Stand. The aircraft hy-
construction furnished with a hinged drawbar
draulic test stand consists of a gasoline engine
assembly (3) suitable for vehicle towing. Indi-
driven, variable volume, variable pressure,
vidual springs (11 ) are provided to insure good
axial piston-type hydraulic pump. The neces-
riding qualities without materially increasing
sary controls and instruments are included to
height. A knuckle-type steering apparatus, in-
select and control the desired phase of opera-
corporating tie rods (14, fig. 2) and king pins,
tion. The entire unit is trailer mounted for
is used to provide positive steering. Rear
mobility and protected from weather by a hous-
wheels are equipped with mechanical-type
ing assembly fitted with hinged doors and ac-
parking brakes, set by the brake lever assembly
cess panel. The purpose of the aircraft hy-
(8, fig. 1) to hold the test stand in a fixed posi-
draulic test stand is to perform the following
tion during test operations. The trailer rolls on
test operations on aircraft hydraulic systems:
pneumatic tires (9). Provisions are made for
flush or fill the system with micronically filtered
attaching lifting or tie-down fittings to the
hydraulic fluid, provide a source of hydraulic
frame assembly (7).
pressure for testing aircraft hydraulic systems
c. Engine. The engine is a V-type, 4 cylinder,
without the necessity of operating the aircraft
4 stroke cycle, air cooled unit. A 6 volt battery
engine; and test all components of the aircraft
is employed to power the starter. Engine speed
hydraulic system, including aircraft with pres-
is held automatically at the selected rpm (revo-
surized reservoir systems.
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