![]() q. Place two new gaskets (11) and the two
u. Set the indicator on zero. Position the in-
end plates (9) on the housing and secure with
dicator link (1) on the indicator shaft with the
the eight screws (10).
slot of the link horizontal or pointing to the
rear of the pump and secure with the screw (2).
r. Install a new O-ring packing (8) on the
indicator shaft (7) and insert the shaft in the
index plate.
s. Position the indicator plate (5) on the
w. Place a new O-ring gasket (30) and the
hanger housing over the shaft and secure with
hanger housing assembly (13) on the bearing
the three screws (6).
(29) and secure with the 6 gaskets (16), 2
screws (14), and 4 screws (15).
t. Install the indicator (3) on the indicator
shaft and secure with the pin (4).
210. General
d. Remove the arm assemblies and arm sup-
In the event the welded steel frame of the
ports (par. 169).
running gear should become damaged beyond
repair, it is the responsibility of depot mainte-
212. Installation
nance to replace the damaged frame. This con-
stitutes the removal of all major components
a. Install the arm assemblies and arm sup-
of the test stand.
ports (par. 169).
211. Removal
AGO 5742A
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